Corporate Responsibility.

Our Strategy

The primary goal of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategic plan of Neurosoft is to establish directions that ensure the presence of ethical criteria in operations, the respect of the individual and the protection of the environment across all our business initiatives and activity sectors. Our Company’s operation is guided by the belief, shared by all its members, that entrepreneurship in all its forms must be governed by the moral values and principles that keep unbroken the Company’s alliance with Society, with its employees and with the environment.

In other words, the Company’s objective is to signify a different ethical approach in cases such as society, environment, culture, quality of living, supply chain and suppliers, through its actions.

Therefore, with a sense of responsibility towards each other, the Company has focused its policy on the principle of consistency and action within society.

Basic Principles of CSR

Concisely, the strategy of the Company concerning CSR, has the following guidelines:

  1. The development of CSR culture inside the Company and in all affiliates.
  2. The continuous dialogue for CSR and the creation of essential relationships of trust with the main groups of the third parties (employees, customers, suppliers, collaborators, society).
  3. The identification, the measurement and the reduction of environmental intervention by our activities.
  4. The promotion of transparency in all our corporate activities, transactions and operations.
  5. The reassurance of the best working environment as well as the highest possible satisfaction level of our people, through their participation in the continuous development of the Company.
  6. The promotion of protection and respect of human rights and foremost of the rights at work.
  7. The essential and continuous participation and aid to cover our society’s needs.
  8. The continuous effort of our practices optimization and the rise of the added value by our operations.

Each one of the above – mentioned principles is developed through different actions, according to the nature and the distinctiveness of our activity sectors.

Sectors of Activity

The Company’s objective is the most regular understanding of needs but also the most effective correspondence to CSR sectors, in which we operate.

These sectors are:

  • Safety and health for all employees
  • Protection of human rights
  • Enhancement of transparency
  • Protection of the environment
  • Contribution to society through different acts in several sectors
  • Continuous concern for the improvement of working practices and conditions
  • Commitment in ethical Market practices

The activities of our Company are directly linked to the principles and objectives expressed through CSR and, in this context, this commitment affects our daily decisions and acts. We seek to the greatest possible understanding of the impact of CSR that we implement aiming to continuous improvement.

Οur Commitments

Our activity, in relation to the implementation of CSR initiatives, includes a series of initiatives with the ultimate objective of offering to the corporate and social environment, in which we operate.

Recognizing that the corporate responsibility and the path to sustainable development is a collective responsibility that requires the convergence and cooperation of all of us (state, companies, society), we consider it very important to develop synergies with bodies that will help us move forward our thinking and creativity, but also to improve our knowledge. In this respect, the Company’s participation in CSR initiatives and standards is a reference point concerning the improvement and promotion of our social and environmental contribution.

Within this framework, our essential commitments are the following:

  1. Employees

Maintaining industrial peace, developing management and control systems, ensuring internal communication and evaluating individual performance. Continuous investment in improving working culture, demonstrating confidence in our employees’ capabilities and encouraging them to develop their potential that promotes the individual, collaborative and, ultimately, corporate outcome.

  1. Safety and health at work

Ensuring the appropriate conditions to prevent accidents and occupational diseases at work by using modern methods, uninterrupted monitoring and education.

  1. Reducing behavior and practices of corruption

Compliance with market rules, participation in international standards of corruption prevention and enhancement of transparency. In addition, our commitment to integrity practices, fair play and corporate governance.

  1. Social actions

Recording local habits and practices, as well as their needs along with our contribution to the promotion of social actions through multiple social activities, but also by meeting the needs of society.

  1. Human rights

The ongoing and organized effort to consolidate the processes and methods that determine our actions to meet our commitments, as reflected in the CSR, but also in relation with society.

  1. Environment

Identifying the sources and recognizing the responsibilities of the negative impacts of our operation on the natural environment, implementing coordinated “green” actions or programs to reduce impacts and comply with the essential principles of environmental protection with corresponding participation in relevant actions.

  1. Corporate Governance

Our commitment to preserve our shareholders’ interests and create value for all stakeholders (shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers, society in general). The ongoing reinforcement of corporate culture based on the principle of integrity, ethics and transparency as well as the implementation of internal practices that help to fully comply with the rules of our corporate governance.

  1. Fair market practices

Enhancement of the strategic investment effort concerning products and technology, that consider social and environmental needs at any time. The gradual promotion of CSR integration in our daily activity, as well as the preservation of its ethical characteristics.

Neurosoft Corporate Social Responsibility Structure

The CSR governance system which we implement, consists of the CSR Committee at Board level, that is elected by the Board of Directors and operates according to its suggestions with the objective to implement and determine CSR actions and to constantly monitor the compliance with the rules, as well as to monitor the CSR of our subsidiaries that have a specific subject and are governed by clear obligations. The CSR Committee is supported by the Communication Directorate of the Company, which is involved in all the Committees’ responsibilities in terms of support, communication and coordination with the CSR subgroups of our Business Areas.

The CSR Committee is elected by a decision of the Board of Directors and is responsible for the selection, determination and implementation of the CSR actions, as directed by the Board of Directors, and the ongoing monitoring of compliance with the respective rules by submitting relevant reports to the Board of Directors, if necessary, and proposals for its improvement.

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