Fintech Segment Spin off.

Demerger by way of spin off of a FINTECH segment

NEUROSOFT SA announces that pursuant to the provisions of article 63 of L. 4601/2019, as of today, 19.04.2021 the following documents are available to the Company’s shareholders on the website of the Company ( ), as well as at the registered seat of the Company at Irakleio Attica, 466 Irakleiou Ave:

  1. The Draft Demerger Deed of Neurosoft SA
  2. The Transformation Balance Sheet dated 31.12.2020
  3. The annual financial statements and the Director’s Report for the last three (3) financial years of Neurosoft SA
  4. The Report of the Board of Directors for the Demerger
  5. The Auditors Report on the transformation balance sheet

The completion of the Demerger is subject to approval by the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders pursuant to applicable law, as well as to the receipt of all required approvals and authorisations by the competent authorities. The Company will keep updated the investors on the progress of the Demerger process, in accordance with the applicable legislative and regulatory framework.

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