
SealedGRID Platform

  A consortium consisting of Neurosoft S.A, University of Piraeus, Universidad de Malaga and Beia Consultant International, created SealedGRID, an innovative platform which builds on an architectural image of industrial installations,…

Neurosoft at WAN Summit

    Neurosoft attended the WAN Summit in London, which brings together corporate WAN strategists and service provider executives to build new relationships and discuss the latest enterprise network design trends, emerging technical…

4th ShipIT Conference

  We are pleased to announce our participation at the 4th ShipIT Conference which took place on September 26th at the Benaki Museum Amphitheater, in Athens, Greece. ShipIT Conference is a one-day strategic event addressed to the shipping…

Oracle Impact Event

    The Oracle Impact Event was held on Thursday October 11th at the HUB Events Athens. Neurosoft was a proud Gold Sponsor of the event which was a great opportunity for technology professionals to discuss about emerging technologies…

RedyOps @Phdays

  On the 15th of May, RedyOps (Neurosoft Red Team) participated in PHDays (Positive hack days 2018) that held at Moscow. PHDays is a cyber security conference organized by Positive Technologies; a leading global provider of enterprise…

DFRWS 2018 Europe

On 21st to 23rd of March Neurosoft participated in DFRWS 2018 Europe that took place in Florence. DFRWS is a digital forensics research conference where digital forensics experts from all over the globe can meet, present their work, exchange…

May the Angel be with you!

  The commercial launch of Angel, took place at the Athens Opera House on the 11th of October. More than 250 participants joined the event making it the most successful one on the maritime calendar! Angel is the new cyber security service,…

Cybertech Europe 2017

  On the 26th of September, Neurosoft participated in Cybertech Europe 2017 that was held at Rome. Cybertech is a global meeting place for exchanging ideas, networking and business-to-business opportunities across the field of Cyber. Our…

Thank you for visiting us at BSides Athens 2017!

Our participation in the event was a remarkable experience! During this one day compact session, Neurosoft had the opportunity to meet leading cyber security professionals from all around the world, share ideas and insights from the security…

Neurosoft at RFIx – London

Neurosoft attended the RFIx Convention held in London (15th and 16th March 2017), a market leading event that brought together nearly 200 delegates from Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. The participants were attracted by the quality of…