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August 9, 2024

Stay summery, connected and secure!

To ensure that you stay safe and connected during your holiday before we all head off to enjoy some well-deserved sunshine, we’ve put together some essential tips for secure connectivity

Meet the ambitious Dimosthenis Ntoulias, a Senior Transmission Engineer! Read more

Read what our Information Security Analyst Charalampos Gartaganis and our Security Operations Analyst Maria-Eleni Bampouri had to say about their experience at the recent IBM Masterclass in Munich! Read more

Meet the experienced George Manioudakis, Neurosofts Software Development Director! Read more

Meet the fabulous Sofia Kanavou, Neurosofts Business Development Manager! Read more

Read what our Information Security Consultant and Red Team Leader, Vasilis Tasiopoulos had to say about his first-time experience at DEFCON 2019 in Las Vegas! Read more

GRNOG (Greek Network Operators Group) is a community of professionals that are involved in the design, implementation, provisioning and operation of Greek Internet services, networks and infrastructure. Within this scope, the purpose of the group is: to create a human network of professionals with common technical interests to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and information among its members […]