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June 28, 2024

Retail Revolution: Securing Your Business with SD-WAN Solutions

The retail industry is no stranger to challenges, and in today’s rapidly changing market, strategic planning, technological investments and a customer-centric focus are more crucial than ever for retailers to boost their resilience and competitiveness. It’s obvious that the retail landscape is undergoing a digital transformation. From bustling fashion stores to sprawling auto parts retailers, online shopping experiences and in-store technology are becoming the norm. As your brand grows, so does the sensitive data you need to manage. Moreover, a bigger business means more branches that need to be interconnected and a seamless online customer service. But with this digital revolution comes a critical challenge: cybersecurity.

Visa’s data shows (November 16, 2023 report) that for the top merchant categories targeted by fraudsters 2022 holiday fraud rates increased 11% over their non-holiday fraud rate and saw an increase of 8% over the previous year during this time, top merchant categories being business to business, telecommunications, insurance, automotive, home improvement and supply, healthcare, […]

As Christmas approaches, Neurosoft is filled with excitement and joy. We take a moment to pause from our daily routines, come together and celebrate the spirit of the season. Our Christmas tree stands tall and bright, reminding us of the importance of unity and togetherness during this special time of year. During the Christmas season, […]

As the holiday season approaches, you may be looking forward to some well-deserved time off. However, you don’t want to miss any important upshots in your business. Have you considered migrating your business systems to the Cloud? Doing so could enable you to easily oversee your business from anywhere, including during the holiday season. Did […]

The main objective of the Cyber Security Operations (CSO) department is to provide comprehensive, tailored, high-end services in the field of cybersecurity, in order to address and reduce potential risks for Neurosoft’s customers. The CSO department has adopted a holistic approach to cybersecurity, which is implemented through continuous risk assessment processes, effective implementation of required […]

Which is the most critical asset a company has? Of course, our people! Employees define the company’s values, culture and success. However, the “great resignation” seems to be a fact. Reports (McKinsey: 2022 Report, State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report) show that there are 4M resignations per month in the US, with 40% considering […]

On November 10, World Science Day for Peace and Development is observed globally. On the occasion of this special day, let’s shed some light on a controversial issue. Is Cybersecurity a science? Generally speaking, cybersecurity is considered to be a sub-discipline of computer science, leaning heavily on the areas of mathematical, physical and social science. […]